Breakfast: Plain yogurt topped with banana, raspberries and unsweetened muesli, a turkey sandwich and daytime detox tea
Snack: Nectarine
Lunch: 2 crispbreads with mackerel, an omelette, veggies and watermelon
Snack: Banana ice cream (frozen banana blended together)
Dinner: Fruit salad (grapes, plums, sharon fruit and watermelon) due to laziness... :P + bedtime detox tea
Last day of the first week of my detox, wooaa! So far so good! I've eaten healthily and regularly, I've exercised almost every day and having my cup of daytime bootea every day and bedtime bootea every second day. I've visited the bathroom more than usually, but it's nothing that has bothered me. It has actually only felt refreshing to detox the system and...let things out lol... :P I'ts hard to write a proper and professional way lol... Anyways, I really love bootea, and it has affected me only in good ways. First of all I'd like to mention how great I feel on the inside from it. I feel a lot calmer and more comfortable in my whole system. It's kind of hard to explain the feeling, but I guess a combination of healthy eating, exercise and this bootea detox will make you feel the same. ;-) I also feel more awake and alert than before. People have asked me if I've seen any differences since I started, and yes, I had! My tummy has gotten a little flatter and I feel less bloated. Yay! I hope a result will be possible after finishing the rest of the detox. I could get used to drinking this tea every day!!
If you are interested in reading more about bootea and purchasing it, click here! :-)
Xx // Matilda
August 19, 2013
August 18, 2013
20 Facts About Me
Helloooo! So I was tagged in this picture on IG that says "If you're tagged: Repost, list 20 facts and tag 20 of your fav accounts". So I decided to publish it all on here too! I thought it was gonna be fun! :D
1. I'm 18 years old
2. My mom gave birth to me about 4 weeks to early
3. I want to become an actress or a musical artist
4. I've attended High school in New York
5. Neither my boyfriend or my best friend lives in the same city as me
6. I travel with the local transportation a looot
7. My work this summer was telling stories for children and guiding tourists in my home town
8. Valencia is the only filter I'm using except b&w, both on my fitness- and personal IG
9. "I don't stop when I'm tired, I stop when I'm finished" is my favorite quote, it always motivates me when I want to give up while running!!
10. Chocolate is my biggest weakness and I used to eat it everyday before I started my "healthy life"
11. I love to perform, act, sing and write.
12. My biggest fear is losing someone I love
13. I've never broken a single bone in my body before
14. When I've been around people and socialized for a long time I need/love to be alone
15. Before I discovered healthy eating and working out I was the laziest person on this planet
16. I'm both afraid, curious and excited about the future
17. I wish I had a bigger room so I could get a bigger bed and a bigger closet
18. I looove to travel and see new places
19. I want to try cookie dough Questbars soooo badly!
20. I wish I could meet all of my blog and Instagram readers/followers on a big field and everyone would bring something healthy to eat and we all would share it all and talk about fitness and life and working out and then we all would go on a group fitness class together
Xx // Matilda
1. I'm 18 years old
2. My mom gave birth to me about 4 weeks to early
3. I want to become an actress or a musical artist
4. I've attended High school in New York
5. Neither my boyfriend or my best friend lives in the same city as me
6. I travel with the local transportation a looot
7. My work this summer was telling stories for children and guiding tourists in my home town
8. Valencia is the only filter I'm using except b&w, both on my fitness- and personal IG
9. "I don't stop when I'm tired, I stop when I'm finished" is my favorite quote, it always motivates me when I want to give up while running!!
10. Chocolate is my biggest weakness and I used to eat it everyday before I started my "healthy life"
11. I love to perform, act, sing and write.
12. My biggest fear is losing someone I love
13. I've never broken a single bone in my body before
14. When I've been around people and socialized for a long time I need/love to be alone
15. Before I discovered healthy eating and working out I was the laziest person on this planet
16. I'm both afraid, curious and excited about the future
17. I wish I had a bigger room so I could get a bigger bed and a bigger closet
18. I looove to travel and see new places
19. I want to try cookie dough Questbars soooo badly!
20. I wish I could meet all of my blog and Instagram readers/followers on a big field and everyone would bring something healthy to eat and we all would share it all and talk about fitness and life and working out and then we all would go on a group fitness class together
Xx // Matilda
Today's Food Log (DAY #6 of Bootea Detox)
Breakfast: Oatmeal, one pear and a pb sandwich + daytime detox tea
Snack: A nectarine
Lunch: Cod fillet, a little pasta, lettuce and other veggies
Snack: Quark with raspberries and nectarine
Dinner: Chicken, potatoes, lettuce, tomato, cucumber and avocado
Exercise: 3 kilometer powerwalk in the morning!
Plus that I had ice cream three (!!!) times. Omg haha sometimes I just...Idk. I enjoyed it. Gotta pick myself up a little now, byee!
// Matilda
Snack: A nectarine
Lunch: Cod fillet, a little pasta, lettuce and other veggies
Snack: Quark with raspberries and nectarine
Dinner: Chicken, potatoes, lettuce, tomato, cucumber and avocado
Exercise: 3 kilometer powerwalk in the morning!
Plus that I had ice cream three (!!!) times. Omg haha sometimes I just...Idk. I enjoyed it. Gotta pick myself up a little now, byee!
// Matilda
August 16, 2013
Today's Food Log (DAY #5 of Bootea Detox)
Thank God it's friday!! After being very strict with my food intake all week due to my detox, Friday is finally here!! One word: foooood. Lol! Today I had a day which usually is called "cheat day", but I really don't like using that word when letting myself eat some of the less unhealthy things I truly enjoy. I mean the soul needs to be fed too?? ;-) Any suggestions for an new expression for days when you have one or a few unhealthy treats?? Treat day sounds so weird in my ears too..or does it? Eh, whatever haha. Here's the food log of the day:
Breakfast: Same as yesterday, plain yogurt with unsweetened müesli. I also had a few slices of watermelon as well as a cup of the daytime detox tea as usual.
Snack: A Peach a pear
Lunch: Chinese buffet (!!)
Dessert: A generous but not too big serving of ice cream
Dinner: 4 pieces of sushi
Evening snack: A few yogurt covered strawberries, chocolate covered nuts, cashews and chili nuts.
Even though this was a day when I let myself eat whatever I like, I ate with moderation throughout the whole day and even though every meal except breakfast and snack # 1 was somewhat unhealthy I'm proud of myself! I think eating healthy all week and letting one day be a day when I eat whatever I prefer is my thing. It keeps both mind, soul taste buds sane :-)
Okay, so I was thinking about doing a little update on the teatox I'm doing! As some of you know, the bedtime tea in the 14 day bootea teatox has laxative effects. That is simply because a detox actually is done in order to flush out stuff such as toxins, waste substances etc.
The first day after drinking the bedtime tea I did not notice any laxative effects at all, however, the day after having my second bedtime tea bag (at the third evening of the teatox) I started to visit the bathroom more frequently. It was nothing that bothered me though! Just letting the teatox do its thing! Lol ;-) Talking about tea, it's time for my bedtime cup. Take care!
Breakfast: Same as yesterday, plain yogurt with unsweetened müesli. I also had a few slices of watermelon as well as a cup of the daytime detox tea as usual.
Snack: A Peach a pear
Lunch: Chinese buffet (!!)
Dessert: A generous but not too big serving of ice cream
Dinner: 4 pieces of sushi
Evening snack: A few yogurt covered strawberries, chocolate covered nuts, cashews and chili nuts.
Today's dessert and evening snack :-)
Even though this was a day when I let myself eat whatever I like, I ate with moderation throughout the whole day and even though every meal except breakfast and snack # 1 was somewhat unhealthy I'm proud of myself! I think eating healthy all week and letting one day be a day when I eat whatever I prefer is my thing. It keeps both mind, soul taste buds sane :-)
Okay, so I was thinking about doing a little update on the teatox I'm doing! As some of you know, the bedtime tea in the 14 day bootea teatox has laxative effects. That is simply because a detox actually is done in order to flush out stuff such as toxins, waste substances etc.
The first day after drinking the bedtime tea I did not notice any laxative effects at all, however, the day after having my second bedtime tea bag (at the third evening of the teatox) I started to visit the bathroom more frequently. It was nothing that bothered me though! Just letting the teatox do its thing! Lol ;-) Talking about tea, it's time for my bedtime cup. Take care!
Today's Food Log (DAY #4 of Bootea Detox)
Breakfast: Plain yogurt with unsweetened super müesli + daytime detox tea
Snack: Quark with raspberries and a two crisp breads topped with banana
Lunch: Chicken, broccoli, charon fruit
Snack: Fruit
Dinner: Tex mex + a thin slice of bread topped with peanut butter
Exercise: Me and my co-worker used run keeper today when we worked, and it calculated a total of a 11
kilometer long walk. Wooahh I actually walk a lot during my work days apparently! :D
August 14, 2013
Today's Food Log (DAY #3 of Bootea Detox)
Breakfast: Oatmeal
with milk, a peach + daytime detox tea
Snack: A
Lunch: Salmon
fillet, broccoli, tomatoes and an avocado
Snack: A
Snack: Quark
with raspberries
Dinner: Chicken,
workout: One banana with ~ 1 tbsp peanut butter
workout: Mackerel in tomato sauce
Exercise: 5 kilometer run (32 mins) + a couple of burning ab-, leg- and butt-workouts.
My breakfast this morning.
Talk about eating frequently or what?!!! My metabolism must be running pretty high at the moment, which is great! I'm very happy with the third day of my detox! Once again I have proven myself that if you want something badly, you will succeed! Maan there have been so many temptations, such as a big yummy chocolaty-smelling cake at work and when one of my co-workers had sausage I was craving it so bad lol!! But I won't fail!! I'm having naughty thoughts (lool that sounds so groooss lmao) about friday though, which I have decided to be kind of a lil cheat day. Chinese cuisine here we comee lol. Until then, I'll be super strict with what I'm eating though, since I want to get as much as possible out of this detox!
I'm sitting here sweaty as idk what (I just finished today's workout) so I will need to go and take a
shower and have my bedtime detox tea before it's time to say
goodnight and get some rest. Are you interested in the detox tea I'm drinking? Check it out here: !
Xx // Matilda
Today's Food Log (DAY #3 of Bootea Detox)
Breakfast: Oatmeal with milk, a peach + daytime detox tea
Snack: A pear
Lunch: Salmon fillet, broccoli, tomatoes and an avocado
Snack: Quark with raspberries
Dinner: Chicken, broccoli
Pre workout: One banana with ~ 1 tbsp peanut butter
Post workout: Mackerel in tomato sauce
Exercise: 5 kilometer run (32 mins) + a couple of burning ab-, leg- and butt-workouts.
Talk about eating frequently or what?!!! My metabolism must be running pretty high at the moment, which is great! I'm very happy with the third day of my detox! Once again I have proven myself that if you want something badly, you will succeed! Maan there have been so many temptations, such as a big yummy chocolaty-smelling cake at work and when one of my co-workers had sausage I was craving it so bad lol!! But I wont fail!! I'm having naughty thoughts about friday though, which I have decided to be kind of a lil cheat day.
Weeell, I'm sitting here sweaty as idk what so I will need to go and take a shower and have my bedtime detox tea before it's time to say goodnight and get some rest.
// Matilda
Snack: A pear
Lunch: Salmon fillet, broccoli, tomatoes and an avocado
Breakfast this morning!
Snack: A peachSnack: Quark with raspberries
Dinner: Chicken, broccoli
Pre workout: One banana with ~ 1 tbsp peanut butter
Post workout: Mackerel in tomato sauce
Exercise: 5 kilometer run (32 mins) + a couple of burning ab-, leg- and butt-workouts.
Talk about eating frequently or what?!!! My metabolism must be running pretty high at the moment, which is great! I'm very happy with the third day of my detox! Once again I have proven myself that if you want something badly, you will succeed! Maan there have been so many temptations, such as a big yummy chocolaty-smelling cake at work and when one of my co-workers had sausage I was craving it so bad lol!! But I wont fail!! I'm having naughty thoughts about friday though, which I have decided to be kind of a lil cheat day.
Weeell, I'm sitting here sweaty as idk what so I will need to go and take a shower and have my bedtime detox tea before it's time to say goodnight and get some rest.
// Matilda
Today's Food Log (DAY #2 of Bootea Detox)
Breakfast: Oatmeal with milk and one banana + daytime detox tea
Lunch: Cod with broccoli and tomatoes, a nectarine as dessert
Snack: 1 cups of regular green tea
Snack 2: Quark with raspberries, two crispbreads topped with sliced banana
Dinner: Smoked salmon / shrimp / crab - salad at a café
I also had a snapple since me and a couple of friends went on a spontaneous visit at the movies. Gahh it was a little hard to resist buying a whole bag of candy and chocolate just as my friends did, but I managed the temptation! After the movies I had one pear before going to bed. Aaand just to remind you, the bedtime tea is only to be consumed every other night, that's why I didn't drink it this day.
Exercise: 30 min fast power walk in the morning
// Matilda
Lunch: Cod with broccoli and tomatoes, a nectarine as dessert
Snack: 1 cups of regular green tea
Snack 2: Quark with raspberries, two crispbreads topped with sliced banana
Dinner: Smoked salmon / shrimp / crab - salad at a café
Exercise: 30 min fast power walk in the morning
// Matilda
August 13, 2013
Today's Food Log (DAY #1 of Bootea Detox)
Breakfast: Two slices of wholemeal bread with butter, cheese and turkey. Water to drink.
+ daytime detox tea a few hours later
Lunch: Chicken, bell pepper, 1 avocado. Water to drink.
Snack: 2 nectarines
Post workout: Quark with raspberries
Dinner: Salmon, veggies and a little potato gratin
Before bed: Bedtime detox tea
Exercise: A 5 kilometer long power walk
Okay, so this is how I'll let you know what I've eaten throughout the days during my detox. I'm pleased with my first day, except my breakfast usually is oatmeal or quark lol but I didn't have time to prepare something like that since I was at my bf's house and I was in a hurry for the train. The little potato gratin I had at dinner isn't that big of a deal, however I won't eat more of those things during this 14 day cleanse.
Questions? :-)
// Matilda
+ daytime detox tea a few hours later
Lunch: Chicken, bell pepper, 1 avocado. Water to drink.
Snack: 2 nectarines
Post workout: Quark with raspberries
Dinner: Salmon, veggies and a little potato gratin
Before bed: Bedtime detox tea
Exercise: A 5 kilometer long power walk
Okay, so this is how I'll let you know what I've eaten throughout the days during my detox. I'm pleased with my first day, except my breakfast usually is oatmeal or quark lol but I didn't have time to prepare something like that since I was at my bf's house and I was in a hurry for the train. The little potato gratin I had at dinner isn't that big of a deal, however I won't eat more of those things during this 14 day cleanse.
Questions? :-)
// Matilda
August 12, 2013
It's Time!!!
Hey guys! I just got back home from my boyfriend and had my first cup (ehh okay glass, I had it in a glass lol) of Bootea detox tea! As I've promised I'll keep you updated on my progress and thoughts here on the blog! I'll try to list what I eat throughout each day as well as mention whenever I work out, so that you can have the clearest understanding possible of what was required for ME reach the result I'll eventually (and hopefully) get.
So, first of all I'll answer a few common questions about the tea and the detox.
What does the tea do? (The following list is taken from
How much does it cost? A 14 day detox is £14,99. Delivery within the UK is free, shipping to countries in Europe is £3 and worldwide is £5. It worked very well to recieve my package, it was delivered as regular post at me house! If I remember right it took about 4 working days to get it.
How often do I have to drink it? You'll recieve 14 daytime teabags which you drink in the morning for 14 days in row, and 7 teabags of nightime cleanse which you drink every other night during the detox.
For more information, go ahead and visit <3
Stay tuned!! :D
// Matilda
So, first of all I'll answer a few common questions about the tea and the detox.
What does the tea do? (The following list is taken from
The natural ingredients found in Bootea can:
• Increase your metabolism
• Burn calories and convert food to energy
• Burn fat & counteract fat storage
• Regulate blood sugar levels
• Assist in the digestion of food
• Suppress appetite
• Improve skin health
• Improve quality of sleep
• Cleanse & detoxify
• Allow you to reach your health/weightloss goals
What does the tea taste like? So far I've only tried the daytime tea, and it tastes exactly like green tea. And since I love green tea I'm very pleased but if you don't, you can always free feel to add lemon, natural sweetener or natural honey.How much does it cost? A 14 day detox is £14,99. Delivery within the UK is free, shipping to countries in Europe is £3 and worldwide is £5. It worked very well to recieve my package, it was delivered as regular post at me house! If I remember right it took about 4 working days to get it.
How often do I have to drink it? You'll recieve 14 daytime teabags which you drink in the morning for 14 days in row, and 7 teabags of nightime cleanse which you drink every other night during the detox.
For more information, go ahead and visit <3
Stay tuned!! :D
// Matilda
August 02, 2013
Getting Ready For Bootea DETOX
Hello everyone! I'm terribly sorry for my absence. While I've been "gone", I hope you've kept yourself updated on my instagram where I'm active aaallll the time. Unfortunately, I don't have time to spend as much energy on here. However, now when I'm waiting for my 14 day detox tea from BOOTEA to get its way through the UK to my mail box, I got inspiration to get back to blogging.
So, in just a few days my detox tea will arrive, and I'm so excited! I've always wanted to try a teatox and see how my body would react to it.
I just finished reading the eating plan on, which is suggested to follow. However, after doing some research and using my own little brain, I've decided to just stick to my clean diet, eat lots of veggies, fruits and other natural foods. Plus avoid red meats and stick to chicken, salmon, cod, mackerel, tuna etc. I still have thoughts on cutting out diary though....what do you guys think? Can I live without my quark or milk to my oats in the morning? Gahh there's so many theories about what is considered clean, what you should eat to prevent bloat, what you should eat to prevent this and that and this gaaahh haha. Can I have the key??? Lol.
So, in just a few days my detox tea will arrive, and I'm so excited! I've always wanted to try a teatox and see how my body would react to it.
I just finished reading the eating plan on, which is suggested to follow. However, after doing some research and using my own little brain, I've decided to just stick to my clean diet, eat lots of veggies, fruits and other natural foods. Plus avoid red meats and stick to chicken, salmon, cod, mackerel, tuna etc. I still have thoughts on cutting out diary though....what do you guys think? Can I live without my quark or milk to my oats in the morning? Gahh there's so many theories about what is considered clean, what you should eat to prevent bloat, what you should eat to prevent this and that and this gaaahh haha. Can I have the key??? Lol.
My plan is to keep you updated on what I eat every day during the detox, and share my before/after pictures here on the blog and on my instagram account afterwards. What do you guys think about that?
Xx // Matilda, healthyfoodgram
June 14, 2013
Me a couple of days ago (looooove my new nikes)
Hey guys! I suppose most of you have gone on summer break by now? I finished school yesterday and I'm so happy!!! I really needed a break, and this one will last for a while.. wooaa! Thank God! I'll spend my summer hanging out with friends, working out, working and going on festivals. Last but not least I'm leaving for Bosnia with one of my bff's in just 17 days, where I'll stay for a week and after that we'll spend another week in Croatia. Yayyy! I really can't wait! This is also a really good motivation for me to stay on track when it comes to diet and exercise. I've been so lazy lately due to a hip injury, but I'm good now and ready to get back on track!! I hope you all are doing well. Love ya, xx
June 06, 2013
New Training Apparell
Remember when I blogged about these nike runners? Well, I decided not to buy them. Instead, I found two other pair of runners that I actually ordered along with a cute water bottle last night. I can't wait to receive them!

Nike Wmns Free Run+ 2 Ext , Reebok Yourflex Run 3.0 , Nike Big Mouth Water Bottle
Yesterday I went to H&M to buy a new pair of gray training tights as well:
Buying new apparel for working out is a great way to either reward yourself, or simply motivate yourself to work out. I mean, it's more fun to sweat when you do it in a cute pair of runners or a comfy top! Don't you agree? ;-)
Warm Summer Day
Hi beauties! Today is a really warm day here in Sweden, so I decided to make something cold and refreshing. I grabbed a glass bottle and squeezed one lemon into it, had some funlight stevia (a no-calorie concentrated drink sweetened with stevia), ice cold water and then I added in some sliced cucumbers and lemons. Yuummm! So refreshing and perfect for any warm summer day.
June 04, 2013
Two Of My Lovely Readers
Two of my lovely readers have shared their progress pictures with me, and I've asked them if I could post it on my blog. The answer was a definite yes from both of them, so here you go. Prepare for major inspiration!!!

"I sent you this pic to let people know that anything is possible! Never ever let people get to you matter what! You got that strength and power inside of you, you just have to learn how to let that strength out, and always remember all you have to do is believe in yourself."
"Hi. This is my weightloss from november to may. I follow you on instagram anf with your inspiration to workout, I've learned that weight really is just a number and that you can see a difference even if its only ten number difference on the scale. Thank you! :-) "
I'm so impressed. I'm so overwhelmed. I'm so PROUD. That's basically what I have to say. The fact that I've helped people through this is an amazing feeling. I LOVE WHAT I DO. If you want to share your progress or just talk or whatever really haha I love to talk, kik me (matilda139) e-mail me ( or you can go ask me anything at LOVE, Matilda <3
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