February 02, 2013


Hi guys! I'm sorry for not posting the last few days, but I didn't really have anything particular to write about Friday and I wasn't able to post about my workout since I was hanging out with a couple of friends, and today I've been with my bf the entire day. Yadyadyad it's time to let you know about my workout friday. It was ARMS day!

-20 min spinning intervals
-3 km sprint
-0,66 km high inlcline walk
-Regular pushups 10 x 7
-Advanced pushups 10 x 4
-Seated dips 10 x 4 (30 kg)
-Shoulder press 10 x 4 (10 kg)
- 10/20 x 4 sets for biceps, triceps, shoulders and chest with 4/5 kg weights

I wasn't too happy about my last arm excersises because I felt a little unfocused, therefore I wasn't able to keep a sensible count on my sets. But I did it all according to habit so it was pretty much like what I wrote above. My soreness keep reminding me of that the workout was worth though. In fact, a workout is better than no workout, no matter if it was the ultimate or the little unpleasant one right?

Haha so here's a pic of me after my gym sesh friday, taken from my instagram. It was my fourth attempt to take a pretty little post workout pic when I found out that my sweater did something revolutionary which made me look kinnndaa pumped so I was like ahhyeahh a little face on that and it's done haha.

GUYS!! REMEMBER!! I know it's not always easy, you'll feel like you want to give up and it's not worth keep fighting. When in that situation, think about WHY you once made the decision to start. This is all for YOU and nobody else. You know what? The difference between those who fail and those who succeed is how you REACT and ACT after feeling like you aren't progressing. You need to stay FOCUSED and ON TRACK and never ever give up on yourself. You are able to do this. It's just a question of time. And you'll get there.

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