-20 min spinning intervals
-3 km sprint
-0,66 km high inlcline walk
-Regular pushups 10 x 7
-Advanced pushups 10 x 4
-Seated dips 10 x 4 (30 kg)
-Shoulder press 10 x 4 (10 kg)
- 10/20 x 4 sets for biceps, triceps, shoulders and chest with 4/5 kg weights
I wasn't too happy about my last arm excersises because I felt a little unfocused, therefore I wasn't able to keep a sensible count on my sets. But I did it all according to habit so it was pretty much like what I wrote above. My soreness keep reminding me of that the workout was worth though. In fact, a workout is better than no workout, no matter if it was the ultimate or the little unpleasant one right?
Haha so here's a pic of me after my gym sesh friday, taken from my instagram. It was my fourth attempt to take a pretty little post workout pic when I found out that my sweater did something revolutionary which made me look kinnndaa pumped so I was like ahhyeahh a little face on that and it's done haha.
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